Wednesday, October 1, 2008

World Cup 2031, Here We Come!!!

Lily had her first soccer class last Saturday. I'm thrilled to say she had a blast, and she looks darn cute in her uniform, too! She scored goals, kicked down cone towers with amazing accuracy and agility for a nearly 21 month old, and just generally rocked. She was by far the star player in her class (would you expect anything less?). Husband told me that the most World Cup players were born in January. That, along with her superior athletic genes, make her a shoo-in for the 2031 USA Women's World Cup Soccer Team.


Pete said...

2nd pic - she's got her sympathy call face ready for the ref

Cassi said...

What a champ...I didn't even know they made classes for kids that little! It was totally worth it just to get her into that adorable uniform. :)