Monday, September 22, 2008

Little Crazy Girl

Hi Ho! Hi Ho! Hi ho, hi ho, its off to work we go!

After our "vacation", Husband and I got to work on all of the house stuff that didn't get done last weekend, this weekend. Joy. We woke up on Saturday morning and worked all day long. Weeding, mowing, mopping, scrubbing, vacuuming, get the idea. Mind you, it was beautiful outside, so I was oh so thrilled that I got to do the indoor chores. I was pretty happy, however, that Husband spared me the outdoor work this time when he fell into bed on Saturday night, exhausted and whining about his back. All of this work was of course interrupted by Lil's numerous "Elmo potty!" false alarms that resulted in another big old poop in her diaper.

On Sunday, we were awoken at the butt crack of dawn by little miss "Mama? Dada? Elmo? Abby? Bi-bir?". To my dismay, Husband drug himself out of bed and started to get ready for his mountain bike race. After a nice, but hardly relaxing, morning at the races, we went home and an exhausted Lily and Mommy took a nap while Daddy "organized" the garage. Unfortunately, my napping meant Husband's "organization" had no assistance from me, and I woke to an even messier garage.

We then dropped Lil at Papa's house for a bit and drove to IKEA, grandiose ideas of lovely home organization swimming in our heads. Two hours later, we left with $125.00 worth of stuff, and nothing that we had planned on getting. Such is life. Maybe next weekend will be better.

Sunday, September 14, 2008

Its Rain-ing its Pour-ing, Mommy is Cra-bby

So we just got back from my first "vacation" since May. We went to Chicago for the weekend, well, Evanston, actually. I was excited. I made big plans to take Lily to the beach, the park, the zoo, yada yada yada. I knew that rain was in the forecast for The Hills all weekend, but I was hoping that the Windy City would be somehow spared and we'd be able to spend a glorious weekend outside. No such luck. The rain started on our way over Friday night and did. not. stop. until we came back home Sunday night. It wasn't just rain, mind you, it was record rainfall. 7 inches on Saturday alone. Instead of going to the beach, husband and I took Lily to Home Depot to get sandbags for my poor in-laws who were dealing with a partially flooded basement.

After the flood was contained, being the perfect mother that I am, I googled indoor playplaces for us to take Lil on Saturday afternoon. After 5 hours in the car Friday night and a morning spent inside, the wild child needed to run and play. I chose Exploratorium in Skokie (husband didn't waaaant to drive to chicago, waaaah, waaaaah), which was voted best indoor place to play in 2002, apparently. The parking lot was flooded so we had to park across the river-like street, but I was relieved to see that Explorawhatever was open. We snapped Lily into her raincoat, busted out the umbrellas, ran across the river and burst through the door. "Are you here for the blah blah's birthday party?" an all-too-bubbly zit-faced boy asked. "Nope, we're here to play!" I exclaimed, smiling at Lily. "Oh, we closed at one to the public on Saturdays," zitty stated. "Would you like a magnet with our hours?" he asked. Hell no I don't want a magnet with your hours! I want to know what kind of "best indoor place to play, 2002" is closed to the f-ing public at 2:00pm on a Saturday?!? Lily's little face fell as we walked back into the monsoon. She teared up as we buckled her into her carseat and sped through the river.

We decided to go to the mall, so Lil could play at Pottery Barn Kids (and Mommy could do a little shopping). Unfortunately, the mall in Skokie is an outdoor mall. Who thought that an outdoor mall in the Windy City with a winter that lasts two thirds of the year was a good idea is beyond me, but whatever. So we marched our raincoated, umbrella-ed bottoms through the flooded mall "streets" to PBK. Lily made a beeline for the play kitchens and doll stroller while Mommy browsed and Daddy picked up toys in Lily's wake. I was in the midst of sticker shock ($115 for a Halloween costume?!?) when I heard Husband call out my name. "What?" I answered, annoyed. "Come here," he said. Sigh. I walked over, sure that he was bored after 5 minutes and selfishly wanted to leave. "Elmo potty," he said, knees slightly bent, face red and strained. I stared at him, confused, until Lily ran by pushing a shopping cart at break-neck speed. As I caught a whiff of poo poo, I knew that we indeed had to leave.

Today it was back in the car for the drive home. The further east we drove, the harder the rain fell. Nice "vacation". Mommy is crabby.