WTH is wrong with Husband and me? In the fall of 2006, less than 8 weeks before my due date with Lily, Husband and I renovated our kitchen and installed hardwood floors on the entire first floor of our house. I painted the kitchen walls when I was overdue. I nailed flooring, held up heavy-ass cabinets and grouted glass mosaic tile when I was 9 months preggers. After we were finished (just in time for Lily to be born), we looked at each other and thought "WTF were we thinking??!??".
Fast forward 2.75 years. I'm 3 weeks away from my due date with our second daughter. Guess what I did this week? Cleaned grout from our newly installed glass mosaic tile backsplash in our kitchen (Husband did a fan-freaking-tastic job on the install!), and am watching him pound the last few boards into place in our new kitchen floor. I guess we just never learn. Of course, at least this time we chose a much smaller project, but to make up for it we started only 3 weeks out instead of 8. Oh well, I'm sure the new baby is totally going to love the new kitchen!