Lily's at the age where she's starting to announce to anyone within earshot that she's about to poo poo. "Lily poo poo!" she exclaims, just before her face turns beet red in fierce concentration as she poops in her diaper. She also brings us various baby dolls numerous times daily saying "baby poo poo" and wants us to change their diapers. She talks about Mommy's poo poo and Daddy's poo poo (lovely). Being the outstanding mother that I am, as soon as this behavior started I immediately ran out to Tarjay and purchased the following items, convinced that my smart-as-a-whip daughter would certainly be potty trained in no time:
1)An Elmo potty seat
2)An Elmo book all about using the potty complete with uber-annoying sound buttons of Elmo screaming "Elmo can use the potty!", "Horray!", and toilets flushing.
Unfortunately, they did not sell compliant 19 month olds who can poo poo on command while sitting on said potty seat while reading said uber-annoying potty book. Lily of course is obsessed with her potty seat and potty book (no doubt because of her Sesa addiction) and wants to sit on the potty and press those little sound buttons hundreds of times each day, but has yet to poo poo anywhere but in her diaper. Of course, I'll keep all of my loyal readers updated on the Lily Poo Poo situation, as I'm sure you're all on the edge of your (toilet) seats waiting with baited breath for that first milestone poo poo in the potty.
We have to hide that book. And yes, daddy's poo poos are quite lovely.
Rex loves his book and his potty too even though they aren't Elmo. I can only take so much torture.
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